BlokBims Elements and Environment
BlockBims elements are exposed to various interactions due to weather phenomena as they are used in both internal and external walls of structures. Freezing / thawing due to cold in winter, elongation due to temperature, blockbims which have porous and flexible structure do not have a significant effect and do not cause any changes or weaknesses in their structure. The water insoluble blockbims are not affected by the harmful waters in the ground due to factors such as snow, rain, moisture difference. They also do not react with anything other than hydrofluoric acid (HF) because of their high resistance to strong acids, bases and salts. The non-toxic pumice building elements do not contain any compounds that threaten human health.
If we examine Block Bims in terms of radioactivity; First of all, it should be known that there is a bit of radioactivity that does not contain radioactivity, although there is some radioactivity in the human body. Natural radioactivity, in addition to being found in the various rock and soil formations, different water sources and oceans that constitute the globe, also takes place in different amounts within the building materials used in the construction of buildings.
The block pumice elements are products produced from natural pomace, and therefore have a radioactivity lower than the world standard for radioactivity concentration.
"Therefore, BLOCK BIMMS is not at a concentration that threatens human health in terms of radioactivity."